Friday, June 6, 2014

Wisdom is the Principal Thing

Wisdom is the principle thing. So, get wisdom, and with all your getting, get understanding. This is the admonition of The Holy Bible, advice from King Solomon, the person who carries the reputation of being the wisest person in the world, before the Lord Jesus Christ. So, his instruction should be something we all need to heed. Wisdom is God’s answers to our questions. Wisdom is God’s solutions to our problems. Wisdom is the key to living a truly successful life. When King Solomon says that wisdom is the principal thing, he was giving each of us a clue as to what we really need. The principal thing means the chief thing. So, money is not the main thing we need. A better marriage is not the main thing we need. A promotion on the job or a new job is not the main thing we need. Granted that these things are what we desire, the path to them all is the wisdom it takes to attain them. Wisdom, God’s answers to life, is the main thing.

The power of wisdom was proven in the life of the one who wrote those words thousands of years ago, and they are just as true as they were then. Indeed, all who adhere to King Solomon’s advice and pursue wisdom have the testimony of excelling in life, for wisdom will always elevate any person who embraces it.

Those who achieve success financially, the right way, can attest to the fact that wisdom in the area of finances was the cause of their prosperity. People who applied the wisdom of God in the area of family relationships will tell us that their homes are a haven of rest because of the wisdom principles they applied and continue to apply daily. Others who apply the wisdom principles which govern good health also bear witness to the fact that wisdom is the principle thing.

Most people want the results of wisdom, without the responsibility of applying the wisdom principles which brings those results. We all want a good home, a loving spouse, more money, a healthy body and a brilliant mind, peace, tranquility and the assurance of a wonderful and blissful life after death. We all want success in every area of life, don’t we? But in order to have the things we desire, we must be willing to do what is necessary to have them. Principles, wholesome, godly and sensible principles are necessary to get and maintain the kind of life that we want.

Here are a few suggestions for gaining wisdom:

Realize that wisdom comes from God. Schools, colleges and universities may give you knowledge. But they cannot make you wise. Only God gives wisdom. And His wisdom is found in His Word, the Holy Bible.

Read a chapter from the Book of Proverbs daily and heed its wisdom. The man, who wrote the majority of this powerful and life-transforming book, is the very one who said, get wisdom. He gives us some of what he learned in this book. So read it and get wisdom.

Realize that what you are reading is about life’s situations, circumstances and relationships. The Book of Proverbs is not just words. They are wisdom principles. It may be wise for you to read varied translations of The Holy Bible in relation to this book. It has the capacity to change your life for the better.

Apply what you learn. Doing is what causes changes in our lives. It does not matter what you read and learn, if there is no application, there will continue to be no change in our situations, circumstances or relationships. Only doing the principles of wisdom consistently and persistently gets results.

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