Saturday, November 15, 2014


Excuse Me, but can I have about an hour of your time today?

I have tried repeatedly to get your attention, but to no avail. I know that you are a busy person. I am aware that you have a schedule to keep. I also noticed that I am not even mentioned in that schedule, but if you don’t mind, I would like to interrupt your plans for just a little while and speak with you of matters that are of great concern to both you and me.

If you would sit with me and have a cup of tea, I have some things to share with you that will be worth more than the reward you are hoping to attain this year as a part of your goals.

As a matter of truth, what I have to say to you is worth far more than silver, gold, or any sum of money. The worth of what I desire to give you is beyond any price that you can fathom.

I would like to give you valuable information and knowledge that can change your negative situations, circumstances, and even your very life as you know it. As a matter of fact, the good changes that I will produce in your life will be permanent.

Let me begin my conversation with you by asking you a most vital question. You will find, as we continue, that I will ask you several questions that I know are pertinent to your life and to my association with you. After all, I want this time with you to be meaningful, and it is for our mutual benefit. My questions are designed to make you think, contemplate, ponder, and muse. Otherwise, our time together will prove itself empty, unproductive, and fruitless.

My first question is: Why are you here?

You know that I created you, but for what purpose did I make you? Do you really know?

I know that you have some of your own ideas of what you would like to attain. I realize that because of your intelligence, you assume yourself to be a pretty smart person. You think you have your life all figured out, or at least try to act like it. You present a strong front because you have an image to protect. Even though you know on the inside that something is not right, you love giving the appearance as if everything is okay. You play strong, yet you know within that you are living a superficial existence.

Your friends all think that you are sure of yourself. They think that you are the person with all of the answers, the one who has it all together, so many of them come and confide in you often.

Yet, I know you, and I am aware of you in a way that no one else is. Your so-called friends can only see you as you appear to them, as you desire for them to see you, but I can see deeper than your friends. I see your heart.

You live a fictitious life. You act happy and secure. You attend church and even participate. Yet you are hurting inside, aren’t you? I know you. I would like to help you. I want to reveal you to you, for I know you better than anyone else. I know you better than you know you. I know everything there is to know about you. I know the truth about you, for I created you.

For instance, I know your thoughts and the intents of your heart. I know your innermost feelings and desires. I know your deceptions and your excuses that are rooted in deception, and you have become so good at making excuses for your actions and inactions that your lying does not even bother you anymore. You even lie to me, and I made you.

You keep making vows and promises to me that carry no weight. You go to the altar after you have heard my voice through my servants and handmaidens, calling you to myself and pleading with you to give me some of your time. You make promises, empty promises. You tell me that you will make time for me, even if you have to wake up earlier. Crying, you promise me. You make your vow.

Then, the night of the vow, that very night that you prayed and said what you said to me, you will stay up late giving television much more time than you have given me in a while, and the next morning wake up late and say to me, “Lord, you understand. I’m only human.” That will not be excused any longer. It never has been excused, for you are much more than flesh and blood. I made you; therefore, I know you.

Not only do you break your word to me, but you are also unfaithful to other people as well. I want you to realize that when you break your word to me, your spouse, your coworkers, your pastor, or any other person, you are not just hurting us. You are affecting the inner condition of your heart.

So have you gotten an answer for me yet? Why are you here? Why have I created you?

I know that it seems as if I am being hard on you, but you must realize that I know some things you don’t know. If you do not change the course of your life, you are going to regret it. You will cry and find no solace for a long time. I am trying to save you all that drama, but I cannot help you if you do not give me some of your valuable time.

Time. It is valuable because, once it is gone, you cannot get it back. It is priceless. Once time is gone, it is gone.

Life will pass whether you pass with it or not. Time never stands still. It keeps moving, and if you don’t move with it properly, it will always work against you. However, if you learn to work with it, it will work in your favor. Time will prove itself to be your best friend or your worst enemy.

However, you are not using your time properly, for you are neglecting the one you should give the first part of your time to. You are giving everything your time except your true purpose for being. I have a problem with that.

You may have heard of some of my other names, each of which describe the essence of my character. He expounded on each of my names in great detail, and you, along with others in the congregation, shouted and rejoice. Some of my names are Jehovah-Jireh, your provider. He spoke of me as your Jehovah-Nissi, your banner and victory. I Am your Jehovah-Shalom, your peace, and Jehovah-Rophe, your healer. I Am as Jehovah-Raah, your shepherd, and Jehovah-Tidskenu, your righteousness. I am truly your El Shaddai, the Almighty God, and your strength.

But there is another of my names that you might not have heard.

It is a name that is rarely taught, because most do not know it. All of the benefits revealed in my other names will be of little or no avail in your life unless and until you gain an understanding and experiential appreciation for this name.



Adapted from “MY NAME IS JEALOUS” Available here: (If the link does not work, please copy and paste in your web browser)

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