Many of us celebrate the Christmas Season, while not understanding its true significance. It is a festive time, enjoyed by family and friends, who enjoy the moment by eating, drinking, partying and giving gifts to each other. But, it is wise, while we celebrate, to realize and remember what Christmas really portrays. The reason for Christmas stems from way back yonder, when God first created man to be His companion. God made man in His image and after His likeness, for the purpose of relationship and fellowship. Man's body came from the dust of the ground, but his real essence came from the very breathe of the Almighty. God is a Spirit. This is what the BIBLE teaches. (John 4:24 KJV) Man, therefore, being made in the very likeness of God, is much more than just flesh and blood. Man is a spirit being, like his Creator. He lives in a physical body. And he has a soul, which comprises his intellect, will, emotions and imagination.
Man was created in class with God, and really possessed the very nature of God. He was God's son, made by God, with His very character. (Luke 3:38 KJV) We know this, because the spirit and soul of man came from the very inside, the very breath of God.
Mankind had fellowship with God and enjoyed communion with the Father until the day they disobeyed God. God had given them a commandment and they broke that law of God, literally destroying the relationship and fellowship they had with the Almighty. Sin, which is disobedience to God's Word, separated man from God and produced in man, the very nature of sin, which is the character of God's enemy, satan, who was behind the temptation of man. These things can be seen in the reading of the first three chapters of Genesis from THE HOLY BIBLE, God's Word.
God, Who actually made man because of His deep desire to have a family, loved man with a love so strong that God actually decided to do something, whatever it took, to get man's relationship and fellowship with Him, restored.
So, right there in the Garden of Eden, He made the promise and declaration that the seed of the woman would bruise the head of the serpent (devil). The understanding of this precious statement from the lips of the Most Holy God, reveals to us the reason behind the virgin birth and the purpose of the Christmas celebration.
When man sinned against God, he inherited the very nature of sin into his person. That sin contaminated his very being, spirit, soul and body. Man, through his seed, was created to be the progenitor of the entire human race. And when he sinned, his seed was contaminated with the very essence of the sinful nature. Like begets like. So, now that man was a sinner, he and his counterpart, the woman, could only beget children, born in sin and shapen in iniquity. (Psalms 51: 5, Romans 3:23 KJV)
Every man coming into this world through the seed of man, comes here in sin, because the sin of Adam was passed down through his seed. Even mankind's blood was effected. Medical Science has proven that a woman alone can never give blood to her baby in the womb. The blood is as a result of the sperm of the male giving life to the egg of the woman.
And because Adam's seed was contaminated with sin, every person coming into the earth through the seed of man, is a sinner, regardless of how good he or she behaves. We are sinners, not because we sinned, but because we were born of the seed of Adam, who was in sin. (Romans 5:12 KJV)
This is why the Virgin Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ was so necessary. God had to come through the womb of a virgin, so that He could be born a human being without sin. He, while being God, had to become man, to redeem us to Himself, because it was man who sinned, therefore, it had to be a man, a sinless man, to deliver us from sin and all of the evil that accompanies it.
So, because of God's great love for us, He sent His Son, born of a woman, without the corruptible and contaminated seed of sinful man, to free us from sin, through His shed blood, which was free of sin and filled with the very life of God.
This is what Christmas is really all about. It is about the Great Creator, Who so loved us and desired a relationship with us, His most prized creation, that He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to be born of a virgin, born without sin, to bring us back to Himself. (John 3:16 KJV)
The Lord Jesus Christ came in the flesh, born of the Virgin Mary, grew up as a man, went to the cross and died for us, shedding His blood and rose again from the dead, living now, in earnest hope that we would choose Him, even as He had chosen to come and die for us.
He loves you so much. So never forget the true purpose of the season. God gave us the greatest gift of all. He gave us His Son. Receive His love by receiving His gift of life, love and peace. Ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart as Lord and Savior and experience the real reason for the season. Romans 6:23, Romans 10:9-10, King James Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)
Man was created in class with God, and really possessed the very nature of God. He was God's son, made by God, with His very character. (Luke 3:38 KJV) We know this, because the spirit and soul of man came from the very inside, the very breath of God.
Mankind had fellowship with God and enjoyed communion with the Father until the day they disobeyed God. God had given them a commandment and they broke that law of God, literally destroying the relationship and fellowship they had with the Almighty. Sin, which is disobedience to God's Word, separated man from God and produced in man, the very nature of sin, which is the character of God's enemy, satan, who was behind the temptation of man. These things can be seen in the reading of the first three chapters of Genesis from THE HOLY BIBLE, God's Word.
God, Who actually made man because of His deep desire to have a family, loved man with a love so strong that God actually decided to do something, whatever it took, to get man's relationship and fellowship with Him, restored.
So, right there in the Garden of Eden, He made the promise and declaration that the seed of the woman would bruise the head of the serpent (devil). The understanding of this precious statement from the lips of the Most Holy God, reveals to us the reason behind the virgin birth and the purpose of the Christmas celebration.
When man sinned against God, he inherited the very nature of sin into his person. That sin contaminated his very being, spirit, soul and body. Man, through his seed, was created to be the progenitor of the entire human race. And when he sinned, his seed was contaminated with the very essence of the sinful nature. Like begets like. So, now that man was a sinner, he and his counterpart, the woman, could only beget children, born in sin and shapen in iniquity. (Psalms 51: 5, Romans 3:23 KJV)
Every man coming into this world through the seed of man, comes here in sin, because the sin of Adam was passed down through his seed. Even mankind's blood was effected. Medical Science has proven that a woman alone can never give blood to her baby in the womb. The blood is as a result of the sperm of the male giving life to the egg of the woman.
And because Adam's seed was contaminated with sin, every person coming into the earth through the seed of man, is a sinner, regardless of how good he or she behaves. We are sinners, not because we sinned, but because we were born of the seed of Adam, who was in sin. (Romans 5:12 KJV)
This is why the Virgin Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ was so necessary. God had to come through the womb of a virgin, so that He could be born a human being without sin. He, while being God, had to become man, to redeem us to Himself, because it was man who sinned, therefore, it had to be a man, a sinless man, to deliver us from sin and all of the evil that accompanies it.
So, because of God's great love for us, He sent His Son, born of a woman, without the corruptible and contaminated seed of sinful man, to free us from sin, through His shed blood, which was free of sin and filled with the very life of God.
This is what Christmas is really all about. It is about the Great Creator, Who so loved us and desired a relationship with us, His most prized creation, that He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to be born of a virgin, born without sin, to bring us back to Himself. (John 3:16 KJV)
The Lord Jesus Christ came in the flesh, born of the Virgin Mary, grew up as a man, went to the cross and died for us, shedding His blood and rose again from the dead, living now, in earnest hope that we would choose Him, even as He had chosen to come and die for us.
He loves you so much. So never forget the true purpose of the season. God gave us the greatest gift of all. He gave us His Son. Receive His love by receiving His gift of life, love and peace. Ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart as Lord and Savior and experience the real reason for the season. Romans 6:23, Romans 10:9-10, King James Version of THE HOLY BIBLE)
Sheldon D. Newton is an inspirational and motivational speaker, teacher, pastor and seminar lecturer. He is the author of various life-transforming books including: Refuse to Live the Common Life, The Positive Power of Biblical Affirmations, Humility and the Honor of God and True Spirituality. His burning purpose is to see lives transformed through the application of timeless and godly principles, which will enable them to live better lives of peace, wholeness and fulfillment. Visit his website at: Article Source: |